Travel To Sawarna Beach, Banten Indonesia
Sawarna beach is a new place to recreation or holiday. The place of Sawarna beach was on the south side
of Banten Province. Lets Travel To Sawarna Beach, Banten Indonesia. Since the 2000's started a lot of visitors who visit
the beach Sawarna. Name Sawarna popular beach through the virtual world and
includes the popular tourist attraction in the new century. Other tourist
attractions as potential new tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is Indrayanti
Coast and Padang Mount site in West Java Cianjur.
This area was once a coastal forest known as the Phantom
Village. Area of the former village of stealth is now up to a more attractive
destination than the Queen at the Port of Sukabumi. The beach is still in the
Queen's shoreline to the harbor. This region can be considered as a new pearl
in the south of Metro Manila.
This beach is unique. Sawarna beach gate to the Village
Sawarna separated by a shallow river wide enough. Anyone who wants to go to the
village must pass through the wood suspension bridge. Certainly in imenjadi
experience as unique and challenging undertaking outbound.
Location and Access
Sawarna beach is located in the Village Sawarna, District
Bayah, Lebak, Banten. Located 150 km from Rangkasbitung, Lebak Capital. Coast
charm Sawarna very complete with a spectacular and challenging waves for
surfing enthusiasts. One of the favorite location of surfers around the world
are Ciantir.
Governments have yet to see serious potential Sawarna
Beaches. This is evident from the lack of directions on the green road signs
DLLAJ output. In addition, the road to the beach is also still not adequate.
But do not worry, coastal tourism and photography lovers have a lot to review
the beauty and the beach sundries Sawarna. Including the existence of this site
is to present information on potential Sawarna coast.
Sawarna beach can be reached from two directions, namely
from Jakarta to the west of Jakarta via Pandeglang or south via the Port of
Ratu in Sukabumi and along the southern coast. Route
Jakarta-Tangerang-Tigaraksa-valley-Malingping-Bayah could take 6.5 to 7 hours.
The route was Jakarta-Sukabumi via Pelabuhan Ratu only need 4.5 hours. In
general, for the moment pass Sukabumi more comfortable with a better way of
Lebak plus many natural charms during a trip. If a local government when making
access to the beach Bantam Sawarna with 4-lane road like Tigaraksa, would be
more quickly through Tigaraksa-valley.
The Beauty of The Beach Sawarna
According to local residents, for now at least have had
hundreds of visitors every day. And visited a few hours it still feels lacking
to explore all the natural charm of beaches around Sawarna. There is not the
manager who set up various facilities and information, but many local residents
who took the initiative to create a homestay with a fee of Rp 120.000, - per
person per day includes meals.
Conditions are relatively the same homestay. It's just that
there are owners who intentionally equip the facility with air conditioning
(AC) and a TV satellite dish. One is the hula-hula Homestay.
If there is time, a time to stay 2-3 days at the beach
Sawarna. Around the coast there are many unspoilt natural beauty alias has not
been developed into tourist attractions. Exotic places such as Tanjung Layar,
Bokor Island (Cipamadangan), Manuk Island, and Cave Lalay. Lalay is royal bat
cave inhabited by thousands of bats since wild. And maybe it could be Batman in Lalay Cave.. LoL :)
With natural beauty at beach Sawarna, many photography
lovers to explore. Many of them foreign tourists who have visited, one from
Denmark. Hopefully with the amount of coverage in cyberspace (internet), local
governments are aware to advance this area became a favorite tourist spot with
adequate road access.